Emme is an animated web series for preschool children funded by the National Literacy Agency and co-created with Clare Azzopardi. The series teaches interpersonal lessons, the value of local ecology and has been used in the classroom by teachers as a learning aid.
A promotional animated video created to advertise a new picture book being released by Merlin Publishers that I also illustrated. The style of the animation was designed to mimic the style of illustration used in the picture book.
To The Point
A short animated film based on a short story by Joe Friggieri about censorship in literature. The project was funded by the National book council and was first premiered at the 2016 Malta Book Festival.
Pfanner Juices
An animated advert for the then new Pfanner juice campaign. The advert used multiple techniques including photomontage, 2d animation and 3d graphics.
Eleanor's Forest
A short film funded by The Malta Film Commission. Lost and alone in the woods a young girl, Eleanor, wanders hopefully towards far away mysterious lights. It would be simple if the trees could be trusted. Will she reach her goal before the world around her collapses?
Mussorgsky: Pictures at an Exhibition
Mussorgsky Pictures at an exhibition is a concert put on by the Malta Philharmonic Orchestra based on Mussorgsky's music aimed at young audiences. Each piece was animated based on the narrative of the music for a total of 10 animations.
Dark Places
Dark Places was the final project for my Masters. It is an animated short film that tells the story of a young boy named Lucas who must venture through a dark and seemingly infinite landscape.
Nursery Rhymes
A series of short musical animations commissioned by National Literacy Agency based on local nursery Rhymes. These are used by government schools for teaching at preschool level.
Zombies Like You and Me
Zombies Like You and Me is a short animated film created for the group project in the 3D Animation Masters at Bournemouth University. Direction and modelling by Juan Moore, Modelling and texturing by Chloe Dawe, rigging and animation by Steve Garry, animation and lighting by Matt Stroud.